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Season Two and Episode Eleven of The Garbanzo Spanish Podcast launches TODAY!

January 16, 2023

Episode 11 is about a boy named Justin who heads off to college with a dream, but runs into some trouble and has to change his plan. Garbanzo storyteller Nelly Andrade Hughes shares the story with controlled language in Spanish so that it is easy for beginners to understand; especially beginning Spanish learners that have been listening to all of the episodes of our podcast! This episode most closely aligns with Somos 1 Unit 4. 

Core Vocabulary: Quiere ser, toma, habla

Episode length: (25:43 min, story @ 8:00, full story @ 20:00)

Listen on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 011 Transcript: Justin va a la universidad.docx

Episode 11 Cover

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. Click here to download the activities for Episode Eleven. 

Here are some ways to use them!

Print out page one for students to read before, during, or after listening.

Print out page two and have your students illustrate each portion of the story.

Print out page three and have your students work alone or in groups to decide which of each pair of items happened first in the story.

Accompanying lessons and additional links

Justin quiere ser veterinario

BUT WAIT! Did you miss the first ten episodes or would you like a refresher? We have just the thing for you!

We have also prepared a Season One Recap episode for anyone who would like a quick recap of the first ten episodes!

Nelly Andrade Hughes narrates this brief review which focuses on the most important core vocabulary from Season One and covers Somos Units 1-3. 

Core Vocab: dicen, camina, ve, no puede, va, hay, abre la puerta, no cierra, # 1-12, son las, a las

Episode Length: (13:14 min)

Listen on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Episode 010.5 Transcript: Episodes 1-10 Recap.docx

Spanish teachers LOVE Garbanzo!

Garbanzo is an online, interactive library for Spanish classes. Teachers can choose from our more than thirteen hundred texts to assign appropriate and meaningful lessons to their students. 

All of our podcast episodes are based on lessons that are available in Garbanzo so that you can assign them to students and further their acquisition journeys. 

Don’t have Garbanzo? Get a free trial for a month before you subscribe.

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