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New Episode! The Garbanzo Spanish Podcast Episode 18: ¿Dónde está Tisha?

April 23, 2023

¿Dónde está Tisha?

Have you ever had a pet go missing in your house?  Perhaps a small one? Perhaps an eight-legged one?  Check out this episode of the podcast to find out what happens when Leroy’s pet goes missing!  It’s quite the arachnid adventure!  

 This episode is narrated by Paulino Brener and comes from Somos 1 Unit 8.

Core vocabulary: busca, encuentra, sabes

Episode length: 24:43. (Story begins 7:54, Uninterrupted story begins 19:48)

Listen on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 018 Transcript: ¿Dónde está Tisha?.docx

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. Click here to download the activities for Episode 18. 

Here are some ways to use them!

Print out Page 1 and have your students read the story before, during, or after listening.

Print out Page 2 and have students identify errors in a story version full of mistakes while listening. An example of an error would be one version saying "Tisha es grande" and another version saying "Tisha es pequeña."

Print out page 4 (one per student) and page 5 (1 copy per every 4 students) and play the game ¡SEIS!. To play, put students in groups of 3-6. you will need one pencil per group and one six sided die per student. Read the full instructions here.

Accompanying lessons and additional links

¿Dónde está Tisha? 

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