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Episode 19 Now Streaming! ¿Qué es el elote?

May 7, 2023

¿Qué es el elote? That’s exactly what you’ll be learning in this episode! Listen as Nelly tells us all about this delicious Mexican street food! This episode comes from the Somos 1 Unit 8 extension.

Core vocabulary: comida callejera, es probable que conozcas, encontrar, sabes

Episode length: 18:38. (Story begins 6:25, Uninterrupted story begins 14:38)

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 019 Transcript: ¿Qué es el elote?.docx

Episode 19 cover copy

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. Click here to download the activities for Episode 19. Here are some ways to use them!

  • Print out Page 1 and have your students read the story before, during, or after listening. 
  • Read the instructions on page 2 to play Arcoíris. Put students in groups of 4 or less. Each group needs one set of cards (page 3, print in color if possible), and one six sided dice. Each student needs a copy of the worksheet on page 4.  
  • Print out page 5 and have students select the false statement from each group of 4 statements. 

Accompanying lessons and additional links

El elote: una introducción

Ep19 printable banner

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