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Podcast Episode SIX Available! EL PERRO BAILARÍN

October 17, 2022

Do you have a pet with a special talent? If so, you are not alone. In Episode Six of The Garbanzo Spanish podcast, you’ll learn about a pet that has an extra special talent. We tell the story with controlled language in Spanish so that it is easy for beginners to understand; especially beginning Spanish learners that have been listening to all of the episodes of our podcast! This story is told by Andrea Giganti Dima, one the voice artists that has been with us since the beginning! This episode most closely aligns with Somos 1 Unit 2.5

Core vocabulary: No puede, va, camina, perro, baila, hay, ve

Episode length: (25:02 min, story @ 4:05, full story @ 17:32)

Listen on SpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 006 Transcript: El perro bailarín.docx

Cover episode 6

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. 

Click here to download the activities for Episode 6.

 Here are some ways to use them!

1. Print out the the 3-frame storyboard on page

 2. As students listen, they can illustrate the 3 different scenes that are written. The storyboard could also be used as a reading activity after students listen to the Podcast. 

3. After listening to the Podcast, play Arcoíris. Use pages 4 & 5 to play the game. 

Accompanying lessons and additional links

Episode 6 story on Garbanzo: El perro bailarín

Learn about the voice artist: Las voces de Garbanzo: Andrea Giganti Dima

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Garbanzo is an online, interactive library for Spanish classes. Teachers can choose from our more than 1300 texts to assign appropriate and meaningful lessons to their students. 

All of our podcast episodes are based on lessons that are available in Garbanzo so that you can assign them to students and further their acquisition journeys. 

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