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EL DEDO DEL PIE PELUDO - Episode SEVEN of the Garbanzo Spanish Podcast Now Streaming!

October 28, 2022

This story is sure to freak you out! Episode Seven of the Garbanzo Spanish podcast is a spooky story for the fall, and it uses more complex language than the previous episodes in Season One. Listen and see how much of this story you can understand, and we’ll return to super simple stories in Spanish in Episode Eight. This episode features the dramatical talents of Paulino Brener. You don't want to miss his super-spooky performance! This episode most closely aligns with Somos 1 Units 9 and 10. 

Listen to find out what happens!

Core Vocabulary: oye, ruido, comer, piensa, escucha, corre, camina, abierta, dormir, cerca, voz

Episode length: (25:29 min, story @ 2:24, full story @ 17:43)

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 007 Transcript: El dedo del pie peludo.docx

Cover episode 7

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. Click here to download the activities for Episode Seven

Here are some ways to use them!

Print out the storyboard on page two. As students listen, they can read along and illustrate what they are hearing.

Print out the matching activity on page three. Have your students match the Spanish sentences on the left with the English sentences on the right.

In groups, have students cut out and arrange the sentences from the story while listening.

Accompanying lessons and additional links

Episode Seven story on Garbanzo: 

El dedo del pie peludo (Versión sencilla)

El dedo del pie peludo (Versión compleja)

Learn about the voice artist:

Las voces de Garbanzo - Paulino Brener

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All of our podcast episodes are based on lessons that are available in Garbanzo so that you can assign them to students and further their acquisition journeys. 

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