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Sai y Bagel - Episode Nine of the Garbanzo Spanish Podcast Available Now!

November 28, 2022

There are so many kinds of dogs in the world… big dogs, little dogs, black dogs, brown dogs, calm dogs, energetic dogs… but there is NO dog like Bagel! Hear Bagel the Dog’s story in Season One, Episode Nine, told in simple Spanish using controlled vocabulary so that even beginning Spanish learners can enjoy this story. Walter Rodríguez Martínez from Perú tells this story about an unusual pet and recycles tons of core vocabulary from the episodes you've already heard! This episode most closely aligns with Somos 1 Unit 3. 

Core Vocabulary: Hay, tiene, camina, dice, puede, perro

Episode length: (12:16 min, story @ 2:54, full story @ 9:13)

Listen on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or YouTube

Download Printable Resources

Episode 009 Transcript: Sai y Bagel.docx

Cover episode 9

Materials for class

As a companion to each episode, we have some printable activities you can use with your class. Click here to download the activities for Episode Nine.

 Here are some ways to use them!

Print out page one for students to read before, during, or after listening.

Print out page two. Students may number events to put them in order or may enjoy cutting them out and arranging them as they listen.

Let your students' creativity shine! Print out page four and see what your students imagine Bagel might look like! What words can they remember from listening to the story and reading page one to include in their description? What words did they remember from the rest of their time in your class that surprise and impress you?   

Accompanying lessons and additional links:

Sai y Bagel (Podcast version)

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