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The Garbanzo Planning Companion: At-a-Glance Guide to All Lessons

April 14, 2022

The Garbanzo Planning Companion is a simple, user-friendly tool that provides an at-a-glance view of all lessons in Garbanzo. It fosters the efficient allocation of time and resources by providing an at-a-glance view of all the lessons organized by the path. It includes:

Lesson titles,

The geographical region of the reading,

Voice artists and their country of origin,

A content slide count,

A challenge slide count,

A total slide count,

Full-text word count, and

Clickable resources.

If you feel that you need more explanations, here is a walkthrough of the planning companion. It's on the lengthy side, but it tells you how to sort through the tabs: Click here to watch the Video Walkthrough.

This companion gives you the ability to look up words and find the best resource for your class. The planning companion really helped me absorb all that Garbanzo has to offer and it is a great reference tool during your planning sessions.

In short, the Planning Companion is a great tool for Garbanzo explorers to use, whether you're already on the path or just considering starting. The Companion makes it easy to see lessons in each path group and compare their attributes at a glance. 

Have you explored all that the Companion can offer? If not, go on over and try it out!



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