Episode 30 (Season 3)
El Basilisco
Description: We’ve got a rooster laying an egg and a snake incubating it… what could go wrong? Find out in this episode!
Core Vocab: caballero (knight), secuestrar (knidnap), brujo (sorcerer), salió (left)
Episode Blog Post
About the Podcast
The Garbanzo Spanish Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast that brings you interactive, easy-to-understand stories in Spanish written primarily for beginners. Storytelling is the most engaging and natural way to learn a new language, which makes this podcast perfect for any Spanish learner! Listening and reading simple stories with familiar words make it easier for our brains to process the new language. Stories help the learning process take flight!
Each episode of the Garbanzo Spanish Podcast is based on a lesson available through Garbanzo. You can assign the corresponding lessons to your students through your Garbanzo account to further your students’ acquisition journeys.
Episode 1 (Season 1)
¿Qué dicen los animales?
Do animals make different sounds in different countries? In Season 1 Episode 1 of the Garbanzo Spanish Podcast, Voice Artist Paulino Brener will help you discover what sounds animals make in Spanish. The episode is almost entirely in Spanish, making it a perfect immersive language learning experience for beginning Spanish language learners. This is the first episode in a series designed for beginners, with more to come every two weeks!
Core Vocab: Dice/n, no dice/n
Episode 16 (Season 2)
Sí, 3PO
Do you have one of those names that people are always mispronouncing? In this episode you will hear about a frustrated android who can’t make himself understood in his new Spanish class.
Core Vocab: Idioma, se sienta, se levanta, le grita
Episode 15 (Season 2)
Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl (Parte 2)
Popocatépetl is victorious, but another warrior is determined to marry Iztaccíhuatl and seize power for himself! Will the warrior’s evil plan pay off, or will love triumph? This episode is based on the simplest version of Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl available on Garbanzo and is told by Nelly Andrade Hughes.
Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, dice, gusta
Episode 015 Transcript: Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl Parte 2.docx
Episode 14 (Season 2)
Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl (Parte 1)
The leader of the Aztecs has a plan to find a husband for his daughter and a new leader to replace him, but not everyone agrees on who that should be! Listen to this story to find out if love can find a way! This episode is based on the simplest version of Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl available on Garbanzo and is told by Nelly Andrade Hughes.
Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, dice, gusta
Episode 014 Transcript: Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl Parte 1.docx
Episode 13 (Season 2)
El pingüino
Episode 13, “El pingüino,” is about someone with a brother, a girlfriend, and a problem. Camila Del Castillo tells this story using controlled language suitable for beginners, especially those who have listened to the first 12 episodes of the podcast!
Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, hermano, novia
Episode 12 (Season 2)
Amigos internacionales en el zoológico
Episode 12, "Amigos internacionales en el zoológico," will bring you along on a trip to the zoo made by students from the Cusco International School. This is a script style episode with many voice artists contributing their talents. Estela Tuchez narrates and jumps in to make sure listeners are understanding everything!
Core Vocab: ¿Cómo se dice?, se dice, and llama (llamar)
Episode 012 Transcript: Amigos internacionales en el zoológico.docx
About Garbanzo.
Garbanzo is an online, interactive library for Spanish classes. Choose from our collection of 1.2k+ stories to assign meaningful and appropriate lessons to your students. With Garbanzo, language learning can happen anywhere!