5 Ideas For Teaching About Sant Jordi in your Classroom
Apr 22, 2022El Día de Sant Jordi is a celebration represented by books and roses. Men give roses to the women they love, and women give books to their partners.
The Garbanzo Planning Companion: At-a-Glance Guide to All Lessons
Apr 14, 2022The Garbanzo Planning Companion is a simple, user-friendly tool that provides an at-a-glance view of all lessons in Garbanzo.
Using Garbanzo Texts as Bell Ringer Activities
Mar 14, 2022One of the teaching strategies that I have found to consistently have a positive impact on my lessons and on student learning is to have a daily bell ringer.
How a chickpea became more than a legume: Garbanzo's origin story
Mar 10, 2022Welcome to our new blog! Garbanzo has become more than an aid: It has become a reliable assistant in making Spanish comprehensible through stories.
Learn Spanish online through stories.
Garbanzo is an online, interactive library for Spanish classrooms. Through comprehensible storytelling and ready-made lessons, Garbanzo makes language learning come alive!